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Corporate Massage


What if your employees could go home from work feeling better than when they arrived?


I have many clients who come to me with upper back, neck & shoulder problems, caused by long days at work. If I can come into the workplace itself and allivate these issues where they start, then clients have a better chance of not developing long-term chronic condtions. As business owners and managers you have an incredible opportunity.


Why not make health and well-being an integral part of your business day/week?


I offer workplace massage treatments as a one off, or regular weekly, fortnightly, monthly or six-week courses with treatments from between 10 to 45 minutes for each employee. 


You can choose between the following massage treatments:


  • At Desk Reviver Massage - Indian Head Massage or Neck &

       Shoulder Massage (10-30mins)

  • Relaxing Couch Massage - Stress Reliving Massage (20-45mins)

  • Six-Week Course (2 hours per week) with regular Massage and Yoga from a qualified instructor.


At Desk Reviver Massage - The Indian Head and Neck & Shoulder Massages are ideal for the office as all that’s needed is a regular office chair and it’s done over the clothes and without oils. It makes these treatments a popular & convenient choice for a quick pick me up for more concentration or a longer, more relaxing massage to help you feel calm again.


Couch Massage - During this treatment, you’ll lie on a massage couch and I will apply oil directly onto your skin and use gliding and kneading movements to manipulate the soft tissue (skin, muscles, tendons and ligaments). Some deeper massage techniques can also be used for tight or knotted areas. For best results, treatments should last at least 20 minutes and I will need a private room to set up my massage couch.


6-Week Yoga & Massage Course

2 hours per week for six weeks

Groups of 6 or 12

                       6 x one-hour yoga workshops covering full body posture, stretching and relaxation.

6 x 20-minute massages with a qualified therapist.

6 people = £1,500

12 people = £2,000







                                                Please email me ( for further details,

                                                prices and to book a workplace massage.



A healthy company is a successful company

  • 131 million days were lost due to sickness absences in the UK in 2013.

  • Workplace injury and work-related ill health costs you, the employer, £2.9 billion. (2012/13)

  • More [working] days were lost due to back, neck and muscle pain than any other cause. (2012/13)

  • Almost half a million people in the UK reported work-related stress at a level they believed was making them ill. That's 40% of all work-related illness. (2011/12)

Statistics taken from Health and Safety Executive (HSE) Report 2012/13. 
HSE: Costs to Britain of workplace fatalities and self-reported injuries and ill health





Jules offers yoga classes, workshops and courses at your workplace. 

We spend at least a quarter of our time at work and travelling to/from it. As business owners and managers we have an incredible opportunity. Why not make health and well-being an integral part of your business day/week?

Choose from:
- Lunchtime yoga classes in 6-week blocks.
- Single 2-hour yoga workshops.
- Six-week course (2 hours per week) with yoga and regular massage from a qualified therapist.



No of participants




Regular 1 hour class at your workplace

Minimum booking of 6 consecutive weeks (trial available)

Maximum 10

50 mins postures.
10 mins mindfulness.

£50 per class

Yoga workshops

2-hour workshops

Minimum 5

Workshops can be tailored to suit you.

Most popular: core stability for lower back, neck and shoulder tension.

£20 per participant

6-week yoga and massage course

2 hours per week for six weeks

Groups of 6 or 12

6 x one-hour yoga workshops covering full body posture, stretching and relaxation.

6 x 20-minute massages with a qualified therapist.

6 people = £1,500

12 people = £2,000

*Prices may vary slightly according to travel time/costs and parking.

A healthy company is a successful company

  • 131 million days were lost due to sickness absences in the UK in 2013.

  • Workplace injury and work-related ill health costs you, the employer, £2.9 billion. (2012/13)

  • "More [working] days were lost due to back, neck and muscle pain than any other cause." (2012/13)

  • "Almost half a million people in the UK reported work-related stress at a level they believed was making them ill. That's 40% of all work-related illness." (2011/12)

Statistics taken from Health and Safety Executive (HSE) Report 2012/13. 
HSE: Costs to Britain of workplace fatalities and self-reported injuries and ill health

How can yoga help?

Yoga and mindfulness are proven to help treat and and prevent illness and injury as well as combatting mental health problems such as stress, anxiety and depression.

Why Jules Yoga?

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